Selasa, 13 April 2010

10 Polis Asuransi Teraneh di Dunia

Memiliki aset penting harus dijaga sebaik-baiknya, apalagi jika aset tersebut terkait dengan mata pencarian sehari-hari. Dalam rangka menjaga 'asetnya' itu, Gennaro Pelliccia (34) mengasuransikan lidahnya, maklum profesinya adalah pencicip kopi. Dan, ia bertanggung jawab atas rasa kopi keluaran Costa Coffee, perusahaan kopi yang berada di Inggris. Perusahaan ini menjual 108 juta gelas kopi setiap tahunnya.

Harga asuransi lidahnya mencapai 10 juta poundsterling atau sekitar Rp 170 miliar. Polis asuransi Pelliccia ditangani perusahaan asurani Lloyd yang berbasis di London. "Pengalaman selama 18 tahun membuat saya bisa membedakan ribuan jenis rasa," ujar Pelliccia.

Toh ada satu hal yang dihindarinya, yaitu ia dilarang makan masakan bumbu kare, mengingat bumbu-bumbu yang terdapat dalam masakan tersebut bisa menumpulkan kesensitifan lidahnya. Ada 5.000 jenis kopi yang harus dicicipi dan dirasakannya, dan hal inilah yang membuat bos pemilik Costa menilai lidah Pelliccia sangat berharga. Belum lagi kopi panas yang dicicipinya berpotensi membakar lidahnya.

Asuransi bagian tubuh sebenarnya bukan hal aneh di luar negeri. Selain Pelliccia, artis America Ferrera juga melakukan hal ini. Ia mengasuransikan senyumnya seharga 10 juta dollar Amerika. Atau gitaris Rolling Stones, Keith Richard, yang mengasuransikan jemari tangannya. Kedua artis ini juga mengajukan asuransinya di perusahaan yang sama seperti Pelliccia.

Berikut ini 10 polis asuransi teraneh di dunia:

1. Lloyd's has insured the smile of America Ferrera, star of the hit television show Ugly Betty, for $10m.

2. The London insurance market has also insured Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards' fingers and Marlene Dietrich's legs - and, according to one history book, actress Bette Davis once insured her waistline against expansion.

3. Lloyd's developed a policy to cover loss of chest hair which could adversely impact a person's image or career. Under the terms of the policy, the policyholder would have to lose more than 85pc of his chest hair through an injury to his chest in order to make a claim. This loss would have to be verified by a panel of trichologists.

4. In 2008 Dutch wine maker Ilja Gort insured his nose for €5m to cover against any incident that could threaten his livelihood.

5. It has also insured Santa's beard, providing coverage for Brady White - the professional Father Christmas at Macy's department store in New York who also visits the likes of Pamela Anderson and Rene Russo.

6. In June 2004, history was made when SpaceShipOne became the first privately manned aircraft to reach space. Lloyd's insurer Amlin was lead underwriter for the $100m liability policy for the craft.

7. One film company took out a million-dollar policy with Lloyd's against the possibility of one of their actresses falling in love and getting married during her contract service. In the early part of the 20th century, Lloyd's insured cinemagoers against death from excessive laughter while at the cinema.

8. Formula One racing drivers at the front of the grid can buy cover for up to £50m, while those at the back are likely to have protection of around £500,000.

9. Golf: Hole-in-one insurances are regularly placed at Lloyd's, sometimes for as much as $50,000 a time.

10. In 2004, Lloyd's insured the £27m worth of jewellery worn by the stars at the Oscars.

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